Sign in or create an account
Please fill in the following information to create a kings point user account.
Do you have a Kings Point resident ID?    
* Badge Number:
* First Name:    Middle Name:
* Last Name:
* Your email address * Repeat email
Kings point user account
* User Name:
* Password: * Repeat Password:
Password Policy:
  • Must be 6 characters or longer and contain no spaces.
  • Must have at least two of following: letters, numbers, or special characters.
  • Special characters allowed: ! # $ % & ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ { | } ~ .
  • Must not be a common word or phrase (password, asdf1234, etc).
    For any questions,
    call Vesta Property Services.
    Phone: 561-499-3335
    Ext. 160 - Administration
    Ext. 135/136 - ID Office
    Ext. 131 - Security
    Ext. 108 - Atrium Box Office
    Ext. 103 - Clubhouse Service Desk
    Ext. 109 - Main Box Office
    Ext. 112 - Flanders Box Office